
Samsung Smart TV Stare Battle casevideo

Don't you dare blink. Samsung is challenging people in the Netherlands to stare at its new SMART TV for as long as possible without blinking, in an interactive game devised by Muse Amsterdam.

The game is played on a specially designed, Samsung-branded YouTube channel where an eye-tracking device registers your eyelid movements on the webcam. During the game, players will take on internet lip-synch sensation Keenan Cahill, who is seen in this video showing off his lip-synch to De La Soul's Me, Myself and I without blinking once. Cahill will try to distract players during the game by using tactics such as calling them on Skype, showing YouTube videos, and showcasing other SMART TV features. Every week the player with the longest stare time will be rewarded with a SMART TV prize package.


Kevin Allocca: Why videos go viral

Kevin Allocca is YouTube's trends manager, and he has deep thoughts about silly web video. In this talk from TEDYouth, he shares the 4 reasons a video goes viral.

Jacob Sutton’s L.E.D. Surfer

A Night-time Snowboarding Short Lights Up the Last of the Winter Snow. Fashion photographer and filmmaker Jacob Sutton swaps the studio for the slopes of Tignes in the Rhône-Alpes region of south-eastern France, with a luminous after hours short starring Artec pro snowboarder William Hughes. The electrifying film sees Hughes light up the snow-covered French hills in a bespoke L.E.D.-enveloped suit courtesy of designer and electronics whizz John Spatcher. “I was really drawn to the idea of a lone character made of light surfing through darkness,” says Sutton of his costume choice.

Invisible Mercedes Led

When Mercedes wanted to promote its new fuel cell vehicle, instead of placing it squarely in front of everyone in the world, the company decided to make the car invisible. I love this!