In an old nuclear reactor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm stands a steel framed cube. Behind a black, opaque glass pane on the front of the cube hides the cover art of the brand new Avicii album, True. Inside and around the cube are massive speakers that pump out the bassline of Avicii's new track You Make Me. It is now your mission to raise the volume and smash the glass to reveal the cover art.
All you have to do is to tweet a revealing fact about yourself, using the hashtag #TrueReveal. Your tweet will be projected onto the black glass pane as it pumps up the volume on the speakers, a small but significant bit. With the number of tweets new layers of the track will be unlocked and the volume will be raised, until the track You Make Me is played in whole and the glass pane shatters from the bass pressure.
Will your tweet be the one to reveal the cover art of Avicii's new album? Try here: