A TV commercial for New Zealand's National Foundation for the Deaf.
Streakers Love Story
Two streakers in love on opposite sides of the planet. They meet for the first time in the most beautiful way!
Visit for more info. Over 4 million views on youtube, and thats not for the nude part now is it?...hmmm
Visit for more info. Over 4 million views on youtube, and thats not for the nude part now is it?...hmmm
Renault Crash Test
We never knew sausage and sushi exploded on impact. We'll think twice now before driving our food.
Sex is great.
But if you don't protect yourself, it could soon stop being as much fun. This is a flash viral from NHS Comdome essentil Wear. Dont drink and drive, and never ever drink and date...Click here to see the campaign or visit

Stop the bullet. Kill the gun.
Brands: Choice FM. Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, London. Creatives: Gary Walker, Huw Williams. Agency Producer: Yvonne Chalkley. Production: Therapy Films, London. Director: Malcolm Venville, Sean de Sparengo. Producer: Barry Hughes, Nicola Simms. DP: Stuart Graham. Editing House: Final Cut, London
Tags: Psa, PSAs, social adveritsing, social change, social movement, stop bullet.
Brands: Choice FM. Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, London. Creatives: Gary Walker, Huw Williams. Agency Producer: Yvonne Chalkley. Production: Therapy Films, London. Director: Malcolm Venville, Sean de Sparengo. Producer: Barry Hughes, Nicola Simms. DP: Stuart Graham. Editing House: Final Cut, London
Tags: Psa, PSAs, social adveritsing, social change, social movement, stop bullet.
Finally - our very own viral!
Well, kids, here it is, the reason for this blog’s very existence: a viral created by yours trulies. It began when Swedish IT and tech consultants Consignit/Altran Technologies asked Dedicate to think outside the proverbial box for their next recruitment campaign. We did, and the result is both a viral spoof and a viral tribute, lovingly borrowing from some of the great works we’ve found, while adding some twists of our own. All to dramatiize the teamwork, challenges and fun-in-the-workplace credo the companies live and work by. Our heartfelt thanks to absolutely everyone involved, not least Lizelotte, Ann and everyone else at Consignit/Altran Tech for having the courage and enthusiasm to support the concept. (And that came out embarassingly close to an award acceptance speech, but we’re all a bit tired and emotional right now, ok?) Read the press release here (in Swedish).
UPDATE: 2008/11/03 Govirals reports that we now have over 35.000 views so far. Not that bad for only 3 weeks online!
UPDATE: 2009/05/05 Govirals reports that we now have over 170.000 views so far. The number-of-views target has been reached and exceeded by 227%!
Client: Consignit, Altran Technologies. Agency: Dedicate. Creatives: Marc Zacharoff, Hans Anderson. Production: Bobby Works. Director: Mini
UPDATE: 2008/11/03 Govirals reports that we now have over 35.000 views so far. Not that bad for only 3 weeks online!
UPDATE: 2009/05/05 Govirals reports that we now have over 170.000 views so far. The number-of-views target has been reached and exceeded by 227%!
Client: Consignit, Altran Technologies. Agency: Dedicate. Creatives: Marc Zacharoff, Hans Anderson. Production: Bobby Works. Director: Mini
Try imagining it without sound - Amnesty International
“If imagining this without pictures was hard enough, try imagining it without sound. Help them be heard. Call 0900 AMNESTY to make a $20 donation.” (source:
New Zealand Book Council: Go Home
Go home, read a book. Shown at end of movies in theaters. Ad from the New Zealand Book Council. (Source:
Agency: Colenso BBDO, Auckland
Agency: Colenso BBDO, Auckland
Think About It - Abortion
Brazilian advertising has an enviable tradition of creativity, directness and communicative efficiency. It's nice to see it live on in the viral age. The huge gap between high principles and down-to-earth personal emotions is vividly illustrated in three easy steps. It really does takes some thinking. Brilliant, wethinks.
Watch your own heart attack
This might actually save some lives. This two minute film lets you experience what it's like to have a heart attack first hand. Take the time to watch it then you'll be prepared if and when it happens for real. (source:
Global Warming. If we give up, they will give up too.
Pretty decent CGI on top of a somewhat unimaginative concept. But, Its time for a change, it's not too late. Global Warming. If we give up, they will give up too.
Agency: McCann Lisboa
Agency: McCann Lisboa
Microsoft Surface Parody
It's almost too easy to make fun of Microsoft. And there is always a Mac-toting terrorist ready and willing to do the honors. Here, MS' vision of a future in which stationary computers are even more like unwieldy Victorian furniture has been given an all-new voice-over. Of course, it's attracted more views than the original.
Social Media in Plain English
Or, more like plain vanilla, we say. The problem with metaphors is that they are too easy to fall in love with and too difficult to dump. This film explains the mechanisms behind social media (like YouTube) with a high degree of educational ambition, but falls somewhat short by failing to back out of the metaphor and into reality in time. Pretty reasonable try, though.
I Met The Walrus
"In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview about peace. 38 years later, Jerry has produced a film about it. Using the original interview recording as the soundtrack, director Josh Raskin has woven a visual narrative which tenderly romances Lennon's every word in a cascading flood of multipronged animation. Raskin marries the terrifyingly genius pen work of James Braithwaite with masterful digital illustration by Alex Kurina, resulting in a spell-binding vessel for Lennon's boundless wit, and timeless message."
Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival: Bon Jovis
We don’t know a thing about the Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival, we just love their ads. And we’re not alone, they’ve won Cannes Lions for them. We sincerely hope that the event itself lives up to the promise. Which might be a tall order, since the ads are consistently brilliant.
This one exploits the fact that there’s something instrinsically funny about serious clowns. We also find the concept of being intensly emotional to a Bon Jovi song screamingly funny. But maybe that’s just us. All in all, great stuff.
Client: Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival. Agency: la comunidad, Buenos Aires. Production Company: Argentinacine.
This one exploits the fact that there’s something instrinsically funny about serious clowns. We also find the concept of being intensly emotional to a Bon Jovi song screamingly funny. But maybe that’s just us. All in all, great stuff.
Client: Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival. Agency: la comunidad, Buenos Aires. Production Company: Argentinacine.
Bring - Morning Routine
Commercial for Norwegian post Bring. At the end of the spot it says "New ways gives new possibilities".
Agency: McCann Oslo
Agency: McCann Oslo
Cadbury Angel and Clown Stunt
The Cadbury Brunch Bar ad was developed at Publicis Mojo Melbourne by executive creative director Darren Spiller, creative director/art director/copywriter Leon Wilson, art director/copywriter Lea Egan, copywriter Josh Robbins, agency producers Tuesday Picken and Corey Esse.
Filming was shot by Nice Trees (Ben Saunders & Germain McMicking) via The Directors Group with executive producer Craig Griffin.
The Cadbury Brunch Bar ad was developed at Publicis Mojo Melbourne by executive creative director Darren Spiller, creative director/art director/copywriter Leon Wilson, art director/copywriter Lea Egan, copywriter Josh Robbins, agency producers Tuesday Picken and Corey Esse.
Filming was shot by Nice Trees (Ben Saunders & Germain McMicking) via The Directors Group with executive producer Craig Griffin.
Honda CRV Commercial. All in 1 shot...not
Honda Australia is promoting the all-new, third generation Honda CRV 4WD vehicle with “Dress For It”, a TV ad/viral featuring a man peeling off layers of clothing in the streets of Melbourne. All done in 1 take and some cool effects. You may not notice at first. Set to the track “ Le Disko” by the LA-based electronica/indie/rock band, Shiny Toy Guns, the story highlights the fact that we all have different sides to our character, just like the Honda CRV 4WD vehicle.
The real art to the production was making it seamless, the changes of clothing is also remarkable. In order to achieve this, the production team spent several weeks testing the wardrobe and employed a seamstress who used a combination of press-studs, Velcro and elastic to facilitate the quick changes. Because the hero can’t physically wear four layers of clothing at one time, the shoot had to be split into two parts. It was Animal Logic’s brief to seamlessly composite the transition between two separate takes to make four wardrobe changes look like they took place in one take. (source:
The real art to the production was making it seamless, the changes of clothing is also remarkable. In order to achieve this, the production team spent several weeks testing the wardrobe and employed a seamstress who used a combination of press-studs, Velcro and elastic to facilitate the quick changes. Because the hero can’t physically wear four layers of clothing at one time, the shoot had to be split into two parts. It was Animal Logic’s brief to seamlessly composite the transition between two separate takes to make four wardrobe changes look like they took place in one take. (source:
The death of old media
So you think you can make it in the Information age by just shooting a TV-spot, making an AD and a banner?
The Dark Knight trailer: Toy Story 2
The comedy site posted this outstanding re-cut of the Toy Story trailer and made it a dark thriller by the help of Batman, The Dark Knight. In the mashup, Woody (Tom Hanks) takes on the role and voice of Heath Ledger’s Joker, and Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) functions as Christian Bale’s Batman. The video is effective in portraying Toy Story as a dark, epic crime thriller. Other characters from The Dark Knight, substituted for their Toy Story counterparts are Alfred (Michael Caine) who voices Rex, the green dinosaur and Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox) whom is portrayed as Mr. Potatohead. (source:
The dramatic Cat
You have seen The Dramatic Lemur & Chipmunk now heres the dramatic cat! Its a never ending story! (source: Limpan)
Sprite: They All Look Good From Far Away
This commercial for Sprite shows us what you see is not always what you get! From far away it may look small, but the closer it gets the bigger… That’s not always good, but in this case it is. The viral leads us to a website for Southern American Sprite drinkers.(source:
Dove Evolution
Evolution is an advertising campaign launched by Unilever in 2006 as part of its Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, to promote the newly created Dove Self-Esteem Fund. The centre of the Unilever campaign is a 75-second spot produced by Ogilvy & Mather in Toronto, Canada. The piece was first displayed online on 6 October 2006, and was later broadcast as a television and cinema spot in the Netherlands and the Middle East. The ad was created from the budget left over from the earlier Daughters campaign, and was intended to be the first in a series of such online-focused spots by the company. Evolution was directed by Canadian director Yael Staav, with sound design handled by the Vapor Music Group, and post-production by SoHo.
The advert was a critical, popular, and financial success. It won a number of the most prestigious awards in the advertising industry, including two Cannes Lions Grand Prix awards and an Epica D'Or. It has been discussed in many mainstream television programmes and print publications, and the exposure generated by the spot has been estimated at a value of over $150M. Evolution has also spawned numerous unofficial copycat versions, including a title sequence to a BBC sketch show and a short parody called Slob Evolution, created by a British production company, Blink Productions, which has gone on to itself be nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award.The dove self-Esteem fund
The advert was a critical, popular, and financial success. It won a number of the most prestigious awards in the advertising industry, including two Cannes Lions Grand Prix awards and an Epica D'Or. It has been discussed in many mainstream television programmes and print publications, and the exposure generated by the spot has been estimated at a value of over $150M. Evolution has also spawned numerous unofficial copycat versions, including a title sequence to a BBC sketch show and a short parody called Slob Evolution, created by a British production company, Blink Productions, which has gone on to itself be nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award.The dove self-Esteem fund
Transformation Chicken
For more than 15 years, Foster Farms were using the same two characters for their commercials; “The Foster Imposers“. These two chickens try to be Foster Farms chickens, but they can’t because they are clearly not fresh and natural. Spanish advertising agency Grupo Gallegos made the new Foster Farms commercial, a Dove Evolution spoof. The Transformation commercial will also be aired on TV.
Help Sweden -
Fight poverty! This is an ironic viral campaign intended to put development aid high on the Swedish agenda. Behind it are the Swedish Millennium Development Campaign, reminding leaders of their promise to cut poverty and hunger in half by 2015. Sign the petition now.
Ray Ban 'Streaker' viral advert
Streaker, is a four-minute long-form piece that supports Ray-Ban's Never Hide campaign. The project is part of a series of short films that will be virally distributed to establish and support a new culture for Ray Ban customers. Streaker, which was created, written, and directed by Jeff Labbe, turns the world of hiding behind material completely inside out. He was able to create an intricate never hide message in a subtle, yet effective film to support Ray-Ban's branding. Commenting on the experimental long-form piece, Labbe said, "The content medium really gives filmmakers an opportunity to takes some risks in telling a brand's story. “In this format, we were able to add some layered depth, irony, and coolness to the message to better connect with the web-content culture." (source:
Agency: Cutwater/SF, Client: Ray Ban
Agency: Cutwater/SF, Client: Ray Ban
Record for most T-Shirts worn at one time.
Matt McAllister of 99.9 KTYD in Santa Barbara, CA, setting the guiness world record for the most t-shirts worn at once. Now reaching over 8 million views on youtube.
The Dramatic Lemur & Chipmunk
The “Dramatic Chipmunk” has a successor: “Dramatic Lemur”. The original video was spoofed by many again, the most popular spoof is this remix with THX sound, which got about 8 million views. (Source:
And here we have the (que dramatic music) The Dramatic Chipmunk! With over 11 million views on youtube. Brilliant.
And here we have the (que dramatic music) The Dramatic Chipmunk! With over 11 million views on youtube. Brilliant.
Frozen Grand Central
Since 2001 a New York based group of actors and comedians, who call themselves Improv Everywhere, cause ‘scenes of chaos and joy‘ in public places. Their latest mission took place in the world’s largest train station; Grand Central Station in New York City. About 200 people gathered in the main entrance to freeze at the same time for five minutes. Bystanders could not figure out what was going on, which lead to some funny reactions. (Source: Newyork blog, NRC)
Gmail Art
For the making of the viral video “Gmail Art” from Google Russia the following materials where required: 162 meters of gray tape, 45 lego pieces, 32 sticks of plasticine, 18 brushes, 18 square meters of batten, 12 cans of spray paint, 10 liters of white paint, 4 reams of paper, 2 kilograms of millet porridge, 1 printer, 1 hair dryer, 1 mop and 1 saw. Saatchi Moscow created and produced the video to persuade more Russians to use Gmail.
Viral TomTom Spoof Solves LOST TV series
Created by a student in a video project for school. It would be a great viral commercial for TomTom. This shows how easy brands actually could score viral success, if they would be using viral videos more often in this new digital marketing era, were blogs, forums, social networks and video portals rule the online world. (source:
This is Tomtoms actuall viral. Explanation and cheatcode of the new TomTom GO 720 mapshare feature. Try stay to the end of the film, thats where it all goes down!
This is Tomtoms actuall viral. Explanation and cheatcode of the new TomTom GO 720 mapshare feature. Try stay to the end of the film, thats where it all goes down!
Dunkelziffer: Tentacle
German advertising agency Red Rabbit created this creepy commercial for Dunkelziffer e.V., a group in Germany that helps sexually abused children. (source:
Erbert and Gerbert’s Candle Cannon
American submarine sandwiches chain Erbert and Gerbert’s, who previously scored with the Human Flipbook viral, celebrates its 20th birthday! To celebrate this 20 year anniversary the company built the Candle Cannon, allegedly the world’s largest air vortex cannon to blow the birthday candles from a distance of 50 meters. (source:
Trapped in an Elevator for 41 Hours
A time-lapse video of a man trapped in an elevator for 41 hours has become something of an Internet sensation after surveillance camera footage emerged after nearly a decade. “After a certain period of time I knew that I was in pretty big trouble because it was the weekend,” Nicholas White said Monday on ABC-TV’s “Good Morning America“. The video of his Oct. 15, 1999, ordeal in an elevator in New York’s McGraw-Hill building was posted online to accompany an article in the April 21 edition of The New Yorker. Nick Paumgarten, known for his articles about elevators, reduced the 41 hour film to a few minutes. The video can be seen on the magazine’s Web site and has been viewed more than 3.8 million times on YouTube and 1.47 million times on Break. Several news sites and blogs like ABC News, BoingBoing, Gawker, NY Post, Gizmodo and The Huffington Post reported about the unfortunate New Yorker. (Source: SFGate, Volkskrant,
Zurich Chamber Orchestra: Rollercoaster
Euro RSCG transformed sheet music into a roller coaster to promote the Zurich Chamber Orchestra. (source:
Ronaldinho: Touch of Gold
Ronaldo de Assis Moreira (born March 21, 1980 in Porto Alegre), commonly known as Ronaldinho or Ronaldinho Gaúcho, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Italian Serie A club A.C. Milan and the Brazil national team. Check out this handheld footage of Ronaldinho when he first gets the gold Legend. Over 25 million views on youtube!
A Starburst Moment in Sharing: Ernie Commercial
Kleptomaniac Ernie just can't help himself. Starburst, the shareable candy, now turns the spotlight on a new age of sharing.
Loctite Super Bonder: Worth Every Penny
DM9DDB, from Brazil, created this guerilla ad for Locite Super Bonder, a Brazilian glue company. They spend 400 coins on the streetvertising which lasted two weeks. (Source: Ads of the World) Unexpected performance
Internet travel agency borrows The American Improv Everywhere group idea and performs a spontanious musical at Stansted Airport (London) with 7 hidden cameras, 14 undercover actors and a very surprised audience. Viral marketing agency Rubber Republic created the viral to promote’s 50% discount on theatre tickets. (Source: Brand Republic)
Samsung: Optical Illusions
Telephone manufacturer Samsung presents their “10 optical illusions in 2 minutes” viral to promote the new Samsung Soul. Soul stands for ‘The Spirit Of Ultra’ and is the crown to the Ultra 3 Edition series. The Soul is a super-slim slide phone with dual-screen touch-sensitive controls, a 5 megapixel camera with autofocus, 3G video calling, MP3 player, FM radio and plenty of memory. (Source: Let’s Go Digital)
Chevrolet Aveo: Transformers
About 4 years ago RSCG London and Spy Films created the Transformer commercial for the Citroën C4 (Source: Visit4info). Now Strawberry Frog Amsterdam made a spoof of this commercial for the Chevrolet Aveo. The video, directed by Lieven van Baelen of Czar scores very well with 300.000 views in just one week. (Source:, DropKick MonKey)
DONT VOTE but Declare Yourself
A good example of reverse psychology in advertising. It's chock full of celebrities so it's semi-entertaining. WARNING: DON'T VOTE (Jennifer Aniston, Leonardo Dicaprio, Halle Berry, Sarah Silverman, Jessica Alba etc etc etc) Source: Adland
Environmental Defense Fund - Polar Bears
This is so good it gives you the chills. Public service announcement (PSAs) designed to urge Americans to take advantage of mass transit, carpooling and biking to combat global warming.
Commercial Credits:
Client: Environmental Defense Fund
Agency: Ogilvy, New York
Vice-Chairman, Creative: Chris Wall
Group Creative Director: Chris Mitton, Terry Finley
Senior Art Director: Dustin Duke
Senior Copywriter: Jon Wagner
Agency Producer: Carrie Simon
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Director: Tim Godsall
Musical Artist: Stars of the Lid
Commercial Credits:
Client: Environmental Defense Fund
Agency: Ogilvy, New York
Vice-Chairman, Creative: Chris Wall
Group Creative Director: Chris Mitton, Terry Finley
Senior Art Director: Dustin Duke
Senior Copywriter: Jon Wagner
Agency Producer: Carrie Simon
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Director: Tim Godsall
Musical Artist: Stars of the Lid
Mentos Gum guerilla in Berlin
Ok, dont know who was first but this isn't nearly as good as Environmental Defense Fund's polar bears. And isn't the logo a bit small?
Tags: Mentos, Gum, platsic bag, city, video, Bola de Ar, installation
Tags: Mentos, Gum, platsic bag, city, video, Bola de Ar, installation
Interactive card trick
This was the first interactive video on YouTube. It's got 7 million views since June this year (2008). Although the trick sucks we still like annotations)

Gun Camera adds graffiti to other people's photos
This is the Image Fulgurator, half guerrilla-art stunt and half homemade-gadget awesomeness. Berlin based artist Julius von Bismarck uses his oddly named camera-mod to project images onto street furniture where they appear in the photos of strangers, but remain invisible to their eyes. (source:
Cadbury Creme Egg's gone loco
A Cadbury Creme Egg is a brand of chocolate manufactured inside-and-out to look like an egg. The "egg" has a milk chocolate "shell", with a white and yellow fondant filling designed to resemble the yolk and white of an egg. Creme Eggs are the best selling confectionery item between New Year's Day and Easter, with annual sales in excess of 200 million items and a brand value of approximately £45 million. (source:
Campaign Here today, goo tomorrow, Client: CadburysCremeEgg, Agency: CMW Interactive.
Campaign Here today, goo tomorrow, Client: CadburysCremeEgg, Agency: CMW Interactive.
Chanelle Hayes Sex Tape
Chanelle Hayes is about to launch a new reality TV show on VH1 and her debut single and someone has only gone and leaked a sex tape featuring her to youtube! What are the odds? And thats not all, shes with a puppet on the tape! This viral is for Fur TV, a program on MTV that peeps into the lives of three dirty rotten puppets, Mervin, Lapeno and Fat Ed. Watch in awe as they indulge in beer drinking, puppet porn and dodgy money-making schemes.
Did you call CSI or the Royal Cleaning Service? Centraal Beheer
Centraal Beheer is famous for its campaign of TV commercials that has lasted for over fifteen years now. These are short humoristic spots, generally without dialogue, in which something goes horrendously wrong, followed by the catchphrase "Even Apeldoorn bellen" ("Let's call Apeldoorn"). This phrase is sometimes used as a general saying, in meme-like fashion to mean something like "oops" or "doh", and it is for this reason that the company is generally referred to as "Apeldoorn" rather than its proper name. On the international versions of the commercials, the catchphrase is simply "Just call us".
Paranoia Noir
Hugo Menduiña, from Agosto productions, signs this advert for Mercedes where obsession disguises itself as paranoia.
Using just one day for the shooting, the director has managed to build a true film noir story with a wise use of the codes that define this genre.
Using just one day for the shooting, the director has managed to build a true film noir story with a wise use of the codes that define this genre.
The Comma
Client: Brazilian Press Association (ABI)
Agency: Africa Sao Paulo, Brazil
Title: The Comma
Copywriters: Fabio Seidl, Luiz Gonzaga Saraiva
Art Director: Bruno Brasil
Creative Directors: Nizan Guanaes, Sergio Gordilho,
Fabio Seidl, Bruno Brasil
Production/Agency: Francisco Oliveira
Production Company: Visorama
Director: Jose Bessa
Client: Brazilian Press Association (ABI)
Agency: Africa Sao Paulo, Brazil
Title: The Comma
Copywriters: Fabio Seidl, Luiz Gonzaga Saraiva
Art Director: Bruno Brasil
Creative Directors: Nizan Guanaes, Sergio Gordilho,
Fabio Seidl, Bruno Brasil
Production/Agency: Francisco Oliveira
Production Company: Visorama
Director: Jose Bessa
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